Joanna Cer

Joanna Cer is a 21 years old kiddo raised and born in Philippines. Graphic Designing and Web Designing is where she spent in her teen age years specifically when she was thirTEEN years old. Photoshop,HTML,JavaScript was her long time best friends. But don't ever think she's a boring geek-girl, in fact TRAVELING is also her hobby she usually travel solo and backpacking. So she work and travel at the same time and that what makes her Digital Nomad :)

  • MacBook Air (Intel HD Graphics 5000)
  • Sony Vaio 
  • iPod touch
  • Samsung Android
  • Cannon D600
Application and Language Proficiency :
  • Adobe Photoshop any versions 
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Adobe Premiere
  • Adobe Flash Builder
  • Dreamweaver
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • C++